
Microblading Healing Process

There are alot of unknows when it comes to microblading and/or cosmetic tattooing. I’m often asked what to expect during the healing process. Although everyone is different, below is an outline of what to expect in general under normal circumstances. Some of the temporary side effects include but are not limited to: redness, swelling, tenderness, itching, puffiness, scabbing, peeling, flaking, dryness, and bruising. You should expect to lose approximately 20-40% of the initial color during the time of the healing process from the microblading. The pigments we have selected for your microblading have been chosen with this in mind. In approximately 6 days you may think it appears to be too light. Then at approximately 10 days the color will appear again and finally when it is completely healed it will appear softer and natural looking.

Day 1

Your eyebrows will appear approximately 25% bolder and darker in width than they will be when completely healed. You can expect some light to moderate swelling. Also keep in mind, that any redness will cause the pigment to appear darker. All of this redness and swelling will subside. The natural exfoliation of the skin will begin in a few days and the excess pigment surrounding the eyebrow will flake away and the eyebrow may appear more narrow. New skin will heal over the pigmented eyebrow and result in a softer look. Always keep in mind that microblading is a process and requires patience and aftercare.

Day 2

Conditions may remain about the same.

Day 3

The eyebrows may appear thicker in texture and darker and may also begin to itch as healing and exfoliation begin.

Day 4

Your microbladed eyebrows may begin to flake and peel from the outside edges first.

Day 5

The color of the eyebrows finishes flaking off and will appear softer and lighter for a few days until color clarifies.

Day 6-9

The color has lightened from its initial bold dark appearance. For the next few days the color may appear much lighter than the final result. Do not panic this is normal.

Day 10-14

The final color begins to stabilize and appear. The color of the brows will continue to soften as the microblading healing process completes.

Note: Your after care is crucial and by not following the post procedure instructions given to you, this may result in loss of pigment and a need for more frequent touch ups.

Thank you….


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